6 Rules That You Should Adopt In Life

These rules help to shape and guide our lives in a direction of meaning and purpose.

Wizdom App
4 min readDec 23, 2023
Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

As a society, we need rules. Rules help to keep things in order; they keep people from harming others.

Just as rules in society help to keep things in order, so do rules in our personal lives. These rules limit our wandering and responding to random stimuli and information with little or no impact on our long-term goals.

There are six rules that you should adopt in life.

Let’s dive in!

1.) Invest heavily in yourself

This is the key — our ticket to personal growth. Some call it ‘selfishness,’ but I see it as a personal investment.

After all, we are our own best asset.

Investing in ourselves isn’t just about financial returns; it’s a commitment of time and effort to become a better version of ourselves.

Here’s the beauty of it: self-investment can significantly improve our lives without breaking the bank.

Boosting confidence, positively impacting self-esteem, and acquiring new knowledge and skills — these are the returns on investing in oneself.



Wizdom App
Wizdom App

Written by Wizdom App

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