Getting Things Done Shouldn’t Be Complicated

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4 min readJun 26, 2024


Photo by Lysander Yuen on Unsplash

I’m all about productivity tools and systems.

But sometimes, other writers in this field overcomplicate things when it comes to getting things done.

They talk about systems that require so much time and energy to follow that productivity becomes a task.

Others are so focused on using the right apps on their phones and computers that they are distracted by technology.

It’s easy to miss the mark when it comes to productivity.

Because why do we even use productivity systems?

Productivity aims to get things done effectively so we have more time to spend on things that matter to us. Plus, applying productivity strategies should make doing work more enjoyable.

At least, this is true for most professionals. No one wants to be productive for the sake of being productive.

What’s the point of that?

And no one wants to voluntarily take all the fun out of their work.

If you’re reading this article, I bet this is not the first thing you’ve read about productivity.

Knowledge itself will not help you to get more done.

The truth is that most advice in this field is a gimmick.

People craft stories to convince you their system is the best.

The truth is that mastering productivity is very simple.

To get things done, you get in good mental and physical shape, don’t sacrifice your sleep, eat healthy food, avoid alcohol and drugs, and remove distractions from your work environment.

Ideally, you also work with a Pomodoro timer to improve your focus.

I share a few more effective tips for getting things done here. But that’s about it. It’s very simple.

And yet, it’s hard to apply it. That’s why having more knowledge is useless. It will not help you to get more done.

We’re always in a conflict.

Look at it this way. You have two voices inside your head.

One says, “Screw all this working on your goals stuff. Just kick back and have a little fun.”

The other voice says, “C’mon, you know that you need to work on yourself. You need to wake up, get your shit together, do you work, hit the gym, eat clean. You’ll feel better afterward.”

The other voice jumps in, “Afterward!? Screw that! How about now!”

Those shenanigans go on all day in most of our heads and will not help you get things done.

You’re wasting a lot of energy when you’re constantly managing those voices.

Energy that you could use to read a book, go to the gym, or work on your passion project. Most of us are aware of this process. As a result, we get frustrated.

At the end of the day, we think, “Why did eat the whole chocolate bar? And why did I spend all evening on my phone? Was that really necessary?” You and I both know that the answer is no.

The next time you get upset or disappointed if you wasted your time, realize you have an option.

Sometimes, we pretend that our focus is outside of our control. After all, there are a lot of distractions in the modern workplace.

Emails, Slack messages, annoying co-workers, demanding bosses, useless meetings that go on forever, you name it.

Don’t blame other people for your lack of productivity. You can, and you should achieve your full potential.

Try the following technique if you want to get more things done.

It’s very simple. Simply sit down or get in the position you work in. Physically get in your work position. That’s the whole technique.

And that’s also the only way to get work done. You know this. But here’s the thing. Sometimes, we do everything to avoid getting into our position.

We grab coffee, walk, read a book, run errands, whatever to avoid that chair and desk.

I do it all the time. But you know what I also do? I sit myself down. I tell myself, “Do just one thing.”

I put my phone away and close my internet browser. Then, I started working on one small thing I scheduled for that day.

And then, like magic, I start working.

Honestly, getting things done is sometimes as easy as sitting down.

“Is it really that simple?”

Yes, getting things done is really that simple.

Now, that doesn’t mean staying productive is easy.

Making progress in your career and life is difficult. The funny thing is that we only make it more difficult using the wrong productivity systems.

But at some point, you have to sit down and get started.

Put your phone away, grab a cup of coffee/tea or some water, and get in your working position.

Now, just finish one task. I tell myself that all the time. And it always works.

Don’t believe me? Why not try getting into your work position now? Just see what happens next.

Thank you for reading!



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