What To Do If You Don’t Like Your Life

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2 min read4 days ago


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

I’ve been musing about microcosms lately.

Why, you ask?

Well, my brain is a chaotic carnival of curiosity.

Still not good enough?

Alright, let’s dive into it because this little concept has seriously improved my daily life, and I’m hoping it can do the same for you.

Especially if you’re in a tough spot, buckle up for a wild ride through the rivers of microcosms.

By the end, you might just find some new perspectives to steer your life in a better direction.

So, what’s a microcosm?

Picture it as a tiny, bite-sized version of something much larger.

Technically, it’s a community, place, or situation encompassing the key features of something larger.

Take a moment to let that sink in.

Now, let me throw a curveball: What’s the difference between life and living?

Life is the big picture — everything about you: your family, career, hopes, dreams, traumas, regrets, and every thought that’s ever zipped through your brain.

It’s vast and abstract, almost impossible to fully grasp.

Living, on the other hand, is the here and now.

It’s what we’re doing right this moment and what we’ll continue to do until we stop being us.

We know living intimately because it’s our everyday experience.

Life and living are like cousins at a family reunion: familiar but distinct.

Life is a pattern of moments, strung together like twinkling lights over a patio.

If you look at your life and don’t like the pattern, you’re essentially saying you don’t like the theme.

Each day is a microcosm of life. It’s a small, digestible piece of the grand puzzle.

We can’t interact with life directly, only with living.

This might seem like bad news, but it’s actually fantastic.


Because the only thing we can influence is how we live today.

If you’re not happy with your life — whether it’s your gym habits, job performance, self-care, or future anxieties — that’s all part of the big, abstract concept of life.

But you don’t live life; you live today.

So, what’s the takeaway?

Change how you live today, and you change your life.

For example, the idea of quitting smoking for life is overwhelming.

But quitting today? Manageable.

Going to the gym for life? Impossible.

But going today? Doable.

Life is a series of moments, and the power to transform it lies in our daily choices.

Embrace the microcosms, one day at a time.

You’ve got this.

Jump back into your raft and focus on paddling through the moments.

Thank you for reading!



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